Joyeux Pâques

Giant Chocolate Egg
Easter Bunny?
As dictated by tradition, we are always happy to celebrate Easter with lots of candy and chocolate. Our first year celebrating it here in France was no exception, especially since there are so many Chocolatiers everwhere we go. Though one major difference: there was no Easter Bunny. After being mocked by coworkers after explaining about the furry bunny with the basket of eggs, they had to set me straight and enlighten me with the real story.

Apparently here in France, it's not a bunny that brings the Easter Eggs but it's "les cloches de Pâques" (the Bells of Easter). Hardly as silly of a story as the bunny, or so they seemed to think unanimously. According to the story, the Bells of Easter are silent since the day of Holy Thursday because they are gone to Rome for the three days until Easter Sunday. And on their return on Easter, they drop the Easter Eggs and chocolates as they make their way back. They even drop them in hidden places in the gardens for Easter Egg hunts and also drop them in baskets for children.

So go figure, no bunny-- unless maybe if you find yourself eating out at a fancy restaurant on Easter Sunday...


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