All the leaves are brown

Naomi Campell on a giant burgar
Californias sleep in hamburger beds?
It's a bit surprising that it's already been
one year
since we arrived, yet at the same time when I think back at everything that has happened and everything we've done in the last year it really has been a lot.

The City of Lights-City of Angels film festival
was going on at the beginning of the month back in LA, and so to celebrate places all over the city have been organizing a number of Los Angeles related events.

The Galleries Lafayette (you really should visit this bizarre website), a trend-setter for fashion and which is the city's largest department store, has been
celebrating LA fashion
this month. They even had an all-American parade down the Boulevard Haussmann with cheerleaders, hip-hop dancers, (american) football players, and motorcycle gangs. You can take a look at the videos if you think I am making this up: L.A. Parade, Californian tatoos and Krumping. Even the modern art museum, Centre Pompidou, has dedicated one of their major expositions to Los Angeles.

And then there's the "American Sandwich" that I get from the local sandwich chain next to my work. I have yet to figure out what part of the sandwhich is American: the hard-boiled egg slices, cornichon pickles, parisian ham, or the baguette bread that its in. But nevertheless, it's named that way.

It's a strange feeling to have all of these reminders around us, yet still being so far. But I guess we'd still be homesick in either case. We miss you guys!


Anonyme @ samedi, mai 20, 2006 2:25:00 AM said...  
How funny...he he. In Santiago, Chile they also have a little pizza/hamburger place that I went to with some co-English teachers and the American Hamburger was the craziestthing I had every seen, filled with fried egg, ham, cheese, the patti, and lots of condiments and fried onions..

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